253 . 651 . 3752
Helping people bring structure and calm to chaos
Deanne Carter, LMHC
253 . 651 . 3752
Helping people bring structure and calm to chaos
Deanne Carter, LMHC

Privacy & Data Protection
Limits of Privacy
Your confidentiality is guaranteed to the extent possible for transactions occurring on the internet and through email. Due to my professional obligations as a therapist, I do not discuss clients in any identifying way, although common representative situations may be illuminated during clinical supervision.
Gathered Information
In order to communicate with you, your name and email address, and possibly your phone number is collected when you use this website's contact form. Such information may be maintained and stored as required by law as part of your privileged psychotherapy record. Your information is held as a sacred trust, and is never sold, given, traded or otherwise provided to any 3rd party merchants.
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You are encouraged to check this disclosure on subsequent visits to this website for further information in the unlikely event that analytics software has been added.
Terms and Scope of Services
Services offered by this website are meant to be informational about clinical treatments provided in my office, and psycho-educational articles are intended for personal empowerment, and growth. Nothing on this website creates or constitutes a client-clinician relationship. Writings on this website are NOT:
health care or mental health diagnosis
professional practice training
clinical supervision
Responsibility of the Website Visitor
When you visit this website you are responsible for any actions you choose to take based on the insights and understandings you acquire from the information provided. Nothing on any web page or blog post should be construed as a guarantee, promise, or contract for any particular outcome.
Because every situation and person has multiple influences, reasons, approaches, and motivations for choosing an action or choosing not to act, it is ethically and practically unreasonable for Deanne Carter and HeartHealing.org to assume any responsibility for any outcome, consequence or ramification of choices made or not made by recipients of any psycho-education blog post delivered via this website.
Other responsibilities and limitations pertaining to in person clinical evaluation and treatment are covered by state and federal laws. Clients are provided disclosure of such laws during the first appointment.
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This site may use social media apps which allow you to share our content with your accounts on platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and more. These apps allow you to share your page visits across the internet. Even if you are not logged into any of your social media accounts, it is possible that information such as your IP-address, location, and time spent on our page can be shared to these platforms. You are encourage to read the policy statements on data protection and use of cookies on each social media platform.