253 . 651 . 3752
Helping people bring structure and calm to chaos
Deanne Carter, LMHC
253 . 651 . 3752
Helping people bring structure and calm to chaos
Deanne Carter, LMHC

Increasing Structure & Routines
© 2012 Deanne Carter, LMHC, NCC
Morning while TV is off
Get dressed, including socks
Comb hair
Wash face
Shoes by door
Brush teeth
Then TV, if it’s before 7:45
Shoes off
Use bathroom
Change into play clothes
Backpack to table
Take out folder at table
Choose snack (from particular cupboard or list)
Set timer for 20 minutes
Start homework until bell
At the bell: ask questions/get help on homework
10 jumping jacks, 5 summer saults, or 10 wall push ups
Set timer for 20 minutes
At the bell: ask questions/get help on homework
Done? Show parent completed work, pack backpack, backpack by door as ticket to go to play
Outside in yard – football, soccer, bikes, basketball
Inside – legos, cars/racetrack, fort, hide and seek, board games, art supplies except painting
Permission to have friends over or go to friend’s house when homework complete within 1 hour and dog is fed and watered. (can have electronics at friends’ houses)
Home by 5:30 (provide child with watch with alarm)
Up to 5 minutes late = come home 10 minutes early next day
Up to 10 minutes late = come home 20 minutes early next day
Up to 30 minutes late = stay home next day
After dinner
Dishes to sink, wipe table
Check room for items on the floor (parent checks at 7pm and any items on the floor are gone for 1 week)
Play Choices: Outside in yard – football, soccer, bikes, basketball
Inside – legos, cars/racetrack, fort, hide and seek, board games, art supplies except painting
and electronics and friends over until 7:15, if all homework is turned in
Bedtime routine
7:30pm bath/shower
Get last drink or snack before 8pm
Brush teeth
8:00 Read 20 minutes on own
8:20 10 minutes with adult if you are in bed, Can talk or read
8:30 lights out: You don’t have to sleep, but you do need to stay in room with lights out
Bedtime cd’s are ok